Washington DC Apostille Services - Next Day Apostille

If you need to use a Washington DC-issued document in another country, you'll likely need an apostille. An apostille is a certificate that verifies the authenticity of a document for use in foreign countries. To get an apostille in Washington DC, you can use the next-day service provided by the Washington DC Secretary of State's office.

What is an Apostille and When is it Required?

An apostille is a certificate that authenticates a document for use in foreign countries. It is required when presenting legal documents such as birth certificates, marriage licenses, school transcripts, and diplomas to foreign authorities for official use.

Next Day Service for Washington DC Apostille

If you need your Washington DC apostille urgently, you can use the next-day service offered by US Legalization. To use next-day service. Please choose your country

Hague Convention Countries

Albania Bahrain Bosnia Costa Rica El Salvador Hungary Jamaica Moldova Pakistan Romania South Africa Turkey
Argentina Barbados Brazil Croatia France Iceland Japan Morocco Panama Russia South Korea UK
Armenia Barmuda Bulgaria Cyprus Germany India Kazakhstan Netherlands Paraguay Saudi Arabia Spain Ukraine
Australia Belarus Canada Czech Greece Indonesia Kyrgyzstan New Zealand Peru Senegal Swaziland Uruguay
Austria Belgium Chile Denmark Guatemala Ireland Liberia Nicaragua Philippines Serbia Sweden Uzbekistan
Azerbaijan Belize China Dominican Rep. Honduras Israel Malta Norway Poland Singapore Switzerland Venezuela
Bahamas Bolivia Colombia Ecuador Hong Kong Italy Mexico Oman Portugal Slovakia Tajikistan Other Countries

Non Participating Hague Convention Countries

Us Legalization offers Washington DC Apostille Services for use in use in one of The Hague Convention Participating Countries. Total Fees for Apostille Maryland per single document are $ 50.00 - SAME DAY SERVICE.

Call US Now Tel: (410) 349 - 4900

Address: 1615 Bay Head Rd. Annapolis MD 21409